Project management

Project management

Project management is a very important segment of every successful IT endeavor. The final result largely depends from the method implemented to manage the project, whereas balancing within the magic triangle (cost-scope-time) can easily be treated as art.

Both theoretical and practical knowledge play an important role in this segment, first of all in the experience of the project manager. Our team consists of experts with decades-long experience they gained by working in local and international projects, for the private and the state sector. Project were led both according to local standards, as well as international standards (projects organized by the European Commission, UNDP etc.)

Our project managers can join your team and work together with your internal resources on project development, as one of the types of outsourcing. Depending on the type of the project and the client’s needs, we can implement some standard Waterfall, or Agile methodology (SCRUM or DSDM), or agree on the internal methodology which best suits specific needs. Regardless of the methodology, we believe that it is very important to engage the client in every project stage, especially during its development. The client’s participation in the developmental stage is at the same time quality control in real time, which directly reduces the time necessary for development. Our practice is to fully include the client in the development, and not to bring the “done deal” to the client. In that case, the User Acceptance Test (UAT) test is just a formality.
Business analysis and process set-up – But, regardless of methodology, standards or techniques used for project management, nothing can replace unrealistic project targets, or wrongly set business process. For that reason, each potential project must first undergo internal feasibility evaluation (ahead of operational agreement on the project) but like best when we directly participate in the business analysis, namely process set-up because this gives the best possible results.
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